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Lip Blush / $699












What is lip blush?


Lip blushing is a semi permanent lip stain That enhances the colour, defines the shape of the


lips, corrects asymmetry and adds fullness. 


How do you chose a colour?

A custom colour is designed for each and every client based on their skin colour, skin-undertone and exisiting lip shade.  A mixture of different pigments are in stock in which we mix together to create a perfect colour. We suggest bringing to your appointment your fav lip colour or images of colours you like.


How Long does it last?

When receiving the treatment 2 appointments are required, the initial procedure and then a touch up 6-8 weeks after. Lip Blushing can last anywhere from 1-5 years depending on their lifestyle, sun exposure, medication and hormones. Lip Rebalances can be had from 1 year as often as once a year to keep the colour beautiful and vibrant.


What is the Cost?

Lip Blushing is $699 inclusive of the 6-8 week touchup, a Rebalance is $399. 


Does the procedure hurt?

During the procedure we use a numbing cream & gel to help make it as comfortable as we can, people have different thresholds of what they find painful so we can make no promises that you will feel nothing but what you do feel will be very minimal, a lot of our clients have actually slept through the entire process.


Do I need to do anything before receiving the treatment?


*In NSW we are not allowed to provide you with the numbing agent, you must come into our


studio and  receive 2 forms in which you need to take to "Cincotta Chemist" to receive the


numbing agents, we suggest doing this a few days prior to your appointment.


*It is crucial that your lips are hydrated and not dry, dry lips will make the lip blushing treatment more difficult and possibly result in the colour not being evenly applied, drink plenty of water and exfoliate them leading up to the appointment 


*Avoid Aspirin and caffeine the day of your appointment 


*If you are prone to coldsores it is important to take the viral medication a week before and til after the procedure, in in some cases you still may break out in coldsores after.


*Filler has to be minimum 4 weeks old to hingreceive Lip blushing


How do I book in?

Not every one is a candidate, as different medications and medical conditions are contra indications for the procedure, please contact us via email or on social media with your enquiry and we will send you through a consult for or even suggest an in person consult. 






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